Akinator Online is developed by Elokence, a French IT engineering company. It is available as a browser game and as an Android app. Control. Left click to ...


//script by OverJT, based on https://github.com/devsseb/apinator. var Akinator = function() {. this.url = \'http://api-es2.akinator.com/ws/\';. this.session ...


30 янв. 2012 г. ... It\'s a nice way to fill an extra 5 minutes at the end of class. Or you can go to the website: http://es.akinator.com/. Make sure you set the ...


official akinator. 1340083 likes · 436 talking about this. The Genie who can read your mind!


... URL ends with akinator.com (later ... You can get in touch with Elokence via the contact form available on the Website at http://en.akinator.com/contact.


Now, if you don\'t know what Akinator is, it\'s a game where there\'s a genie who tries to guess who you\'re thinking of, and is rarely wrong. If ...


Select the next game thematic. Characters; Objects; Animals. Sensitive content filter. FOLLOW ME. Home · Contact us · Legal · Terms · About us ...


Акинатор может прочитать ваши мысли и отгадать задуманного вами персонаже, словно по волшебству. Задумайте реального или вымышленного персонажа, ответьте на ...


Akinator can read your mind and tell you what character you are thinking of, as if by magic. Think of a real or fictional character, answer few questions, ...


Akinator can read your mind just like magic and tell you what character you are thinking of, just by asking a few questions. Think of a real or fictional ...


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