The Sheikh Mansur Movement, also known as the 1785–1791 Insurgency in the North Caucasus, was a major war between the Russian Empire and the North ...

Шейх Мансу́р (Ушурма, шайх Учерман) (чечен. Мансур; 1760, Алды — 1794, Шлиссельбургская крепость) — военно-политический и религиозный деятель, ...

The first president of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and most of his family were killed during the early hours of 15 August 1975 by a group of ...

Abū Ḥāmid bin Abū Bakr Ibrāhīm better known by his pen-names Farīd ud-Dīn (فریدالدین) and ʿAṭṭār of Nishapur was an Iranian poet, theoretician of Sufism, ...

Ibn Taymiyya was a Sunni Muslim scholar, jurist, traditionist, ascetic, and proto-Salafi and iconoclastic theologian. He is known for his diplomatic ...

в 1819: около 50 тыс. чел. в 1857: около ... Начало газавата править. Основные статьи: Гази-Мухаммад и Гамзат ... В это же время у них появился шейх Мансур.

The Ottoman Sheikh al-Islam (French spelling: cheikh-ul-islam) performed a number of functions, including advising the sultan on religious matters, legitimizing ...

Since 4 August 2008, the club has been majority owned by Sheikh Mansour ... The start of the 1970s saw a boardroom power struggle. ... In December 2006, the club ...

The Barelvi movement, also known as Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaah is a Sunni revivalist movement that generally adheres to the Hanafi and Shafi'i schools of ...

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (17 March 1920 – 15 August 1975), popularly known by the honorific prefix Bangabandhu ( lit. 'Friend of Bengal'), was a Bangladeshi ...

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