The tragedy that occured of the young chosson and kallah left us all feeling broken. Remarkably, R’ Shaya Levin asked at the levaya that in exchange for the pure souls, there should be 10,000...

Be a part of this incredible project to make ten thousand shidduch suggestions in memory of Yisroel Levin and Elisheva Kaplan, a"h. Visit...

10K Facilitators Share Their Stories. “Hi and a huge chazak for this incredible organization. My first idea of redting a shidduch came from one of my job colleagues. He asked me to find someone for his...

Finding the Silver Lining for Singles A panel discussion on topics of chizzuk and guidance for singles, their families and shadchanim. Panelists: Rabbi Fischel Shachter and Rabbi Yosef Eisen; Moderator...

The boy and girl are interested! Now what? Congratulations! Setting up a first date is the first big step toward making a shidduch! Please click “yes” next to the question “did your shidduch go on a first date?”

Suggest a Shidduch and log it here! Help us reach 10K Suggestions in honor of Yisroel Levin a"h and Elisheva Kaplan a"h. 10K~BY group: host a group in your bungalow colony to collaborate on shidduch...

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